Thursday, March 3, 2016

Conscience - An automatic guiding device?

It was nearly six decades back, when in the 1950's the first Automated Guided Vehicle's (AGV's) were born. Brought to the market by Barrett Electronics of Northbrook, Illinois, wherein they functioned merely as simple tow trucks that followed a wire in the floor instead of the more common rails. Over the years, sophisticated technology evolved has enabled laser navigation i.e. Laser Guided Vehicle's (LGV's) to become today's automated vehicles. 

How do these LGV's work? The six decades of research and innovations have enabled an in - built transmitter - receiver sensor system to automatically calculate the angle and also distance of the reflectors mounted on static objects that are in line of sight and range to the transmitted and reflected laser. This information when compared with the reflector layout information stored in the memory allows the navigation system to pinpoint the current position of the vehicle and adjust steering accordingly so that the vehicle is on the right track constantly.

The above information was important to begin with my new post today. However please note that the existing post details have been shifted to my 'Professional details' page. Coming back to the topic on AGV's, had a feasibility check were to be done as regards the advancement of the AGV to its present form of LGV in the six decades span, we would find that it no doubt has ensured not only a smooth flow of products in warehouses but also in the design of new factories and warehouses culminating in essentially improving quality and quantity aspects in this most important manufacturing activity viz. a non-value adding activity of moving goods/products to their rightful destination safely.

Similarly, would it be correct to foresee one's overall growth in a working life span by evaluating the feasibility aspects of an automatic guiding device either having received through it 'external instructions' or 'conscientiously' to evolve into a better person. To make the query simpler, would a life lived merely obeying external instructions be better lived or obeying the inner voice within. Which of these two in the long run would convert us as people, as normal human beings (an ordinary AGV) to a better performing LGV? Could we ever tag to one of these choices?

To prod further let us delve into some comfortable but familiar case study. For example, in the published previous post on our college project work titled 'Automatic Guiding Device', the shortcomings then were stamped in our minds. The fact that we could not deliver the theoretical concept effectively into a practical outlook has at least made me think a lot on this significantly insignificant issue. Insignificant because we all have passed the project work exam and even graduated as on date now. Significant because today it has answered the above mentioned query. How? Just as an AGV has to traverse within its planned layout i.e. steering appropriately either by following the traditional wire method or by taking/giving instructions as in the latest models, similarly when working on a project there need to be a predetermined path facilitating a continuous exchange/updation of information during the project life span overriding individual conscientious thoughts/actions in order that a good project results at the end culminating in every team member a feeling of being a new being. Any conscientious thoughts/actions need to be for deciding whether to accept the said project/project team members at the very beginning but surely not midway. Once the project layout gets defined with specific boundaries, any individual team member's conscious calls need take a back seat unless of course it works well for the entire group and their task in hand.

Similarly a conscious call in selecting a job out of two in hand would be prudent but once inside the perimeters of the job in hand, acknowledgement of external (authority) instructions and deliberations if called for may at times necessarily override an individual's conscientious thoughts/actions; something similar to 'The boss is always right'. However our such conscientious thoughts/actions today may in the future seemingly become relevant in the group/job. Hence a personal opinion to express them although not assertively.

A glimpse below is some of my past professional details based on the issues as above;
1. Being a fresh graduate, voluntarily (conscientiously) opted for self employment in household agriculture till suitable employment opportunity prevailed. Also pursued the same when out of job. The learning outcome was knowing the importance of human resources and task management especially of getting the job done at the right time from the right person/s. The latter could not have been done better without an external expert hand to bank on. 
2. Conscientiously chose to work initially as an apprentice trainee so as to improve my practical insights of learning engineering. Being an apprentice, acquaintance with training supervisor and his advice to keep away my graduation and other technical proliferation certificates outside the company gates was more of an stern instruction rather than an advice as these would hinder one's ability to get the professional feel of being trained hands-on on the many heavy engineering mechanical systems from the highly experienced technicians.
3. Conscientiously adopted teaching as a working profession to showcase my above learning outcomes. An obvious other outcome has been now that of writing this blogpost and a variety of such writing works due to being encompassed in a leaning-teaching environment.

So, finally I would give a 50:50 score as I believe conscience has always been the silent automatic guiding device to show the path to tread upon confidently but to have the company of like minded people would always make this path less tiresome.     


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