About me

My Personal Space

I am an Indian male aged 46, born on the fourteenth day of November in the year 1971. Lucky to have been born on this day, as we in India celebrate the birth anniversary of Independent India's First Prime Minister, Late Jawaharlal Nehru or more popularly called as Pandit Nehruji. This day is also celebrated as 'Children's Day', in Hindi known as 'Bal Diwas'. Children's day in India is celebrated on Pandit Nehruji's birthday as a day of fun and frolic, a celebration of innocent childhood, children as a reflection of God and Nehruji's love for them.

As per traditions and customs, being the first child in the family, I was born at our native 'Gokarna' a small town in the state of Karnataka. Again here lucky to have been born in this temple town, a place that rightfully boasts of an history dating back to more than 3000 years B.C. and believe me the name does appear in many a well known and acknowledged Hindu religious scripts/texts. The next lucky part has been to being brought up in a metropolitan city like 'Mumbai' erstwhile 'Bombay' in the state of Maharashtra. Believe me again, this city too has had its own share of ancient history beginning way long back in the fifteenth century under Portuguese rule as a collection of seven islands on the west coast of India to become today its commercial capital and also the most populous cities of the world. Precisely this reason, we as was with other families shifted in the early 1990's to a much quieter town, then a growing countryside in Navi Mumbai - a sister city on the outskirts of Mumbai. With the passage of time, this town too has outgrown so much that today we feel living in an extension of Mumbai.

Educational Qualifications

Early schooling in Mumbai was at St. Ignatius High School and Dr. Antonio D'Silva High School, both well known for their selfless service to the education field and again let me mention with a history of more than a hundred years and still going on.......

Shifting to Navi Mumbai, schooling and later on college resumed at Fr. Agnel Multipurpose High School, a part of the  well established education complex 'Agnel Charities' encompassing different schools of learning e.g. technical trades, diploma/degree engineering and management studies.

After a brief unsuccessful stint pursuing a Bachelors in Science, a Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering at MIT - Manipal, a well known private engineering college in the state of Karnataka, proved to be very helpful for a science loving student as myself as it helped unravel a lot of personal misunderstandings and beliefs in regard to how things worked in nature. The various posts detailed in 'My other Blogs' as you read them could be thought of as my attempts to solve natures' mysteries through evident social problems and understanding them.


School/Junior college

Batch 1989, Agnels Vashi



MIT - Manipal hostelites

MIT - Manipal 'K' Block


Final Year Project Work (PW) Team mates @ MIT Manipal


PW team mates Get Together @ MIT Manipal


Au Revoir


Batch 1990 - 1994 @MIT - Manipal

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